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Base Maps

tabaqat Base map Service is a fully-managed service that makes it easy for GIS professionals and developers to add ready maps, to their ArcGIS, QGIS and web applications, without sacrificing data security, user privacy, data quality, or cost.
tabaqat Base map Service is a fully-managed service that akes it easy for GIS professionals and developers to add ready maps, to their ArcGIS, QGIS and web applications, without sacrificing data security, user privacy, data quality, or cost.


Discover the Features of tabaqat base maps

tabaqat base maps features a variety of base maps that can be accessed from tabaqat server.
This includes base maps from OpenStreetMap and other authorized content.
The base maps can be used as foundation layers to support a range of web maps or web mapping applications

base map purpose

Discover the Features of tabaqat base maps

tabaqat base map's job is to be an effective backdrop for your data.
Our base map provides critical reference information to enhance your map and lets overlain layers play the lead role in telling the story.
This collection of base maps does just that. We love the deliberate changes as you zoom into the map.
Details adjust to map scale thereby avoiding clutter and ensuring minimal disruption.

unique base map

Discover the Features of tabaqat base maps

Instead of trying to make a single base map that performs adequately in all situations, we offer many unique base maps.
Each base map can serve as a backdrop, depending on what story you want your data to tell.
This base map collection works because it suits many map endeavors—whether you need to highlight geography, present thematic data in bright colors, overlay critical content or present all raster map datasets.

Base Maps

compatible with ESRI, Mapbox, and all commercial open GIS products

Base Maps Gallery